what is this project about?

persuading someone as we all know is not an easy matter and in this project I aim to make a product I am passionate about and able to communicate to my audience and sell it to them. Honestly not everyone has to be interested in what I personally like, so for that reason the content and design of my poster or looks of my product what matters. The visual communication that attracts people to what they like or not just like me when I go shops and decide to purchase an item as well.

CONTEXT that I really liked and found convincing

student work that inpired me

From looking at this kit I got inspired about the idea of having a kit in a different way which made me think that this is the way to go and make this happen in a an interesting way. When I saw it first I felt like wanting to make it happen of making my light painting kit. That honestly was the first thing I thought about. I always felt like making something similar to a kit which helps me to persuade people and think positively. This is something that inspired me to work toward making more things. And also inspire me to work on a different scale of thinking about the idea of actual box making? or perhaps finding the right size.

Sangmin Bae

This is south Korean artist that has created this plant brush maker which is very smart idea of making it into a brush and people to draw something with just plants. This is a unique way to make this happen in a special way for people to write something or draw and sometimes create.