The definition of a graphic score is a way in which a composer can compose a piece without using common music notation. Which then has inspired me to think differently about documenting musical notes and perspectives. And the first Idea that I have thought of was glass and have seen serval video that got my attention.

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About this video

I first saw this video at Facebook which has attracted me towards the path of making glass similar to a train it was inspiring me to think of making similar aspect of it. The William Tell Overture played by a train set performance got me to like the idea of using glass as a starter medium to think of tone, pitch and volume mainly. This is apparently one of the moat pleasing performances of Rossini’s exhilarating piece is  biggest Japanese pop acts. Edwards.T.2016.

Cage J

Cage, the man behind so much ground-breaking music including the famously silent 4'33", was a keen graphic score composer. It might look like random squiggles, but each line indicates a different style of singing, notated in wavy lines in ten different colours, and the black squares indicate non specified 'non-musical' sounds.

With so many notes, this score would be difficult for any pianist to read if it was laid out simply on the page. Luckily, this piece by Crumb also contains three detailed pages of instructions, with movements including Primeval Sounds, Crucifixus and Spiral Galaxy.
